Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ron Paul in Spokane, Washington!

I guess it's been a while since I've posted anything here -- I do have some links to articles in draft form, I just need to catch a few moments to post them. I've previously posted that I'm supporting Ron Paul for President here in the U.S. And guess what happened last week? We had 2 days' notice on our meetup group that Dr. Paul was going to pay us a visit here in Spokane!

I was there, and it was great! Given that there was about 7 inches of snow the night before, on top of about 12 inches a few days before that, there was a great turnout. (It was a great turnout for any weather, in fact.) We had a room with 300 chairs set up, and the ability to remove a partition behind that room for overflow. They realized pretty early that they'd need to remove the partition, and the overflow room was packed, it was standing room only for most of the attendees. Estimated 900-1100 in attendance.

All of that leads me to two videos of the event. The first one is a little over 5 minutes and is from the back part of the 
room, it gives 
an idea of how many people were there. The second is one  is number 1 of 5 -- from a lot closer, you can find the rest of them on the YouTube listing. I'll be back to posting more messages here after the local caucuses on Feb. 5th.  (please forgive the formatting, the word wrap seems to be out of kilter!) 

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